York University - Educational Collectable Card Game


"Studying and memorizing material often feels tedious, and repetitive learning lacks engagement. What if reviewing lecture material could feel like playing a game?"

Our roguelike educational card game transforms the learning experience by embedding study material into an engaging dungeon adventure. Students advance by answering questions and using strategy to overcome challenges, creating a sense of progress and achievement with each correct answer. The gameplay is structured to reinforce knowledge in a way that feels rewarding rather than repetitive, making learning genuinely enjoyable.

Requirements Addressed:

  • Knowledge Testing & Reinforcement: The game functions as a platform to both test and deepen students' understanding of their lecture material, providing an interactive method for learning reinforcement.

  • Cross-Platform Accessibility: Built as a WebGL application, the game is easily accessible across computers and mobile devices, enabling students to learn on the go.

  • Engagement through Gamification: By blending strategy and skill-building, the game makes learning exciting and immersive, transforming studying into an addictive, enjoyable experience.



Game Description

Game genre: Roguelike Educational Card Game
Target platform: WebGL
Advance through the dungeon while answering questions, defeating monsters and bosses, thus moving further into the depths of the unknown.

Only by answering correctly and using strategy you'll defeat monsters. Player receives currency, with which they will be able to replenish stock of their cards and effects. Ultimate goal is to advance to the final floor on the map and defeat the dungeon boss, passing events, choosing your own route, collecting cards for tactical advantage in the final battle while learning.

Target Audience: University Students age 17-30+


"Players don't want to replay the same game to learn the materials."

The roguelike card game genre is known for its replayability and strong retention. Every playthrough offers a unique experience due to randomized dungeon layouts, evolving enemy encounters, and diverse card combinations, ensuring that each session feels fresh. The game’s modular design also makes it easily expandable, allowing for new cards, questions, and events to be added seamlessly. This approach not only keeps content engaging but also encourages repeated gameplay, making learning both addictive and enjoyable.

Procedurally Generated Maps:
Each time players embark on a new run, they encounter a unique, procedurally generated dungeon map, filled with varied paths, events, and challenges. This system ensures that no two playthroughs are alike, as the layout, enemies, and rewards shift with each attempt. By presenting fresh content every time, the game keeps students engaged and eager to explore new routes while reinforcing their knowledge.


"How can we upload new learning material quickly, without needing to remake the game every time?"

We designed the game to be highly adaptable, allowing new questions and answers to be easily uploaded and integrated. Each time new material is added, the game dynamically adjusts to accommodate it—scaling the dungeon size, increasing the number of monsters and events, and adding new bosses for players to encounter. This modular setup enables seamless updates, ensuring the game remains relevant and fresh with minimal effort, while expanding the learning experience for students.



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Are you ready to build?

Ready to start building

Just grab a spot in the calendar.
Calendar acting weird?
Click here to open it full-screen

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getting on the call yet?

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Are you ready to build?

Ready to start building together?

Just grab a spot in the calendar.
Calendar acting weird? Click here to open it full-screen

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© 2024 Voidverse Studios Inc. All rights reserved.