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Ex-Ubisoft Game Designer & PM


Unity Developer

15M+ total downloads

Project Highlights


Game Designer

Made games for Xbox & Switch

Project Highlights



Ex-Meta Ex-Ubisoft Ex-Ikea


Unity Developer

XR Wizard


Web Developer

Top Rated on Upwork

Project Highlights

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Are you ready to build?

Ready to start building together?

Just grab a spot in the calendar.
Calendar acting weird? Click here to open it full-screen

Don't feel like getting on the call yet?

Let's chat over email!

Are you ready to build?

Ready to start building

Just grab a spot in the calendar.
Calendar acting weird?
Click here to open it full-screen

Don't feel like
getting on the call yet?

Let's chat over email!

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© 2024 Voidverse Studios Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2024 Voidverse Studios Inc.
All rights reserved.